Office Building "Kanda SU(nest)" with Natural Material - Designed by Tono Mirai


This is the 'Urban Nest' with mud wall designed and built by an architect himself in the office building, Tokyo.
SU' is a 'Nest' in Japanese, which means 'self-built spiritual place for life.'

An architect who is living in an office bldg. to appeal for urban dwelling and conversion has changed the place for 10 years from 'closed space with artificial materials' to 'open and spiritual space with natural materials' with as a start of wife's mental illness. For the comfort in the square space, curved mud walls and ceilings that have organic forms are designed according to the flow of 'Chi (Ki)' -the energy of the air, wind and sunlight.

This space has built as not only private residence but free space for the community with workshop which supported by the city development program of the ward.

After opening, this place which has lots of events about community and environment is 'connecting people ' and growing as an base of community in the centre of Tokyo.

Venue: Kanda Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo Japan
Function: Conversion form office to residence/freespace/office
Design : Kanda SU self-building including workshop
Building Area : 80.1m²
Residence 64.2m² ( including Living, Dining/freespace 37.8m² )
Office 15.9m²

Floor-(Soft wood  Flooring t=18mm no-coating
Wall/Ceiling- Ochre, brown & white Japanese mud plaster t=30mm rough finish, partly exposed deck plate ceiling
Main column- old round trunk
Indirect Light-curved wood beam: Douglas fir t=22mm, Openings in old concrete block wall
Design & Construction Term : 1996~2004

東京の都心・神田の事務所ビルの中につくられた土壁の家。遠野未来の元自宅兼事務所。入居時の「新建材による閉塞的空間」を「自然素材による気の流れる空間」にリノベーションしたもの。タイトルのnestには「自分でつくる いのちの場」という意味が込められている。
心身的ストレスで家族が体調を崩したのを機に 「心身とも安らげる場」を目指し、設計施工。その過程で環境意識と自然素材に目覚め、最終的に土を使って壁と天井全てを仕上げた。



所在地: 東京都千代田区神田
主用途: 住居 ・ フリースペース・ 事務所 現存せず
床面積: 80.1㎡(24.5坪)、  
設計・施工: 直営、 ワークショップを含むセルフビルド
床‐サワラフローリングt=18mm 無塗装
壁・天井‐ 土t=30mm コテムラ仕上げ、一部鉄筋下地・既存デッキプレート表し
間接照明‐ 木製梁:鉄骨下地 米松t=21mm 照明組込、既存ブロック壁穴あけ照明組込

Author: Tono Mirai