Brook Hall


USA / Theatre Production

ARTISTIC DIRECTOR, Butterfly Effect Theatre Co. ; FOUNDER, The Lab Space

After directing, choreographing, and appearing in a number of American and European theatrical and film works, Brook became a Taiwanese artist-in-residence, creating his own studio and venue and established a non-profit company which seeks to bring together people from Taiwan and all over the world to produce exciting, relevant creative performances and art, serving as both a training platform for local talent and as a showcase for the best of international designers, directors, and performers.

After a lifetime training performers, Brook Hall turned his attention to executive leaders and startup founders in 2016. He has led workshops and mentored many startups for Asia's largest mobile-only startup acclelerator, MOX, designing compelling pitches that positively influenced buy-in. He has given many spoken presentations in Taiwan and China (Taipei, KaohSiung, Beijing, Macau, ShenYang), including at the innovation LAB at Taipei National University of the Arts, Taipei Performing Arts Center, and Hua Shan 1914 Culture Park.

The design-hub Xue Xue Institute invited him to give an exclusive Petcha Kucha-style talk and he has spoken at the TedX event for Tung Hai University.

He has also spoken at the request of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Taipei and served as an Organizer for Chamber of Commerce Industry France and Taiwan (CCIFT) Events. Further partnerships include the the Taiwan Trade offices of Australia and Israel. He also served as a consultant for Forward Taiwan, a National immigration and Economic Government Task Force and as an advisor to the Asia Designer Communication Platform ADP- an international cross-spectrum design association in Asia. Recently, he has given leadership and group-building workshops in Vienna, Austria at the Maturaschule Dr. Roland Roland and Vienna's English Theatre Academy.

He has given hundreds of workshops on collaboration and presentation skills to performers, CEOs, founders, and anyone who needs skills to engage, inform, and inspire others—and improve his or her ability to work in a successful collaborative environment.


Butterfly Effect Theatre
