Robben Bai
China / Architectural Design
Founder and principle architect of RoarcRenew
IP is more
After graduation from East China Normal University, Robben BAI participated in the design of reconstruction of the Israel Pavilion of Shanghai World Expo, Zhangjiajie glass bridge and other great projects. During this period, he also assisted Prof Haim Dota with the establishment the Ecology Architectural Design Institute (ECOD) in Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts (SIVA-DETAO).
In 2015, he established RoarcRenew, an architectural atelier that specializes in urban space renovation. The atelier focuses on urban renewal, space reengineering, remodeling of old districts, aimes to create a sustainable urban space, while following the concept of revolutionary design and the history of architecture. Its members and consultants come from Shanghai, Hongkong, New York and Tel Aviv. The current design projects include urban renewal, architectural design, interior design, product design and other categories, distributed among Shanghai, Nanjing, Zhangjiajie, Jakarta and other cities.
RoarcRenew has received worldwide media attention, including FRAME, Domus China, AD, ELLEDECO, Archdaily, Yitiao TV, etc. Its project Mixpace Mandela is selected as winner of 2017 AD100, and it also gains the Most Popular Office Interior Award. Robben BAI is voted Domus China magazine’s Creative Talents 100+.
Looking at the architecture through the perspective of commercialism and consumerism conforms to new trendy of internet economy, RoarcRenew thinks IP is more. Space itself is an IP, especially the innovation or functional space. It has devoted to add value to the space through design, to create IP by gathering visual, auditory and other forms.
Basing on the commercial ideology, each design and project of RoarcRenew respects and insists on the order of aesthetics in architecture and tries to preserve the unique sense of ritual and field spirit of each space from architecture itself.
Robben BAI presided over the design of the construction and interior renovation of Mixpace Mandela (co-working space), WE+ Fuxing Park (commercial and co-working space), Mixpace Carlowitz &Co (co-working space), Poly Sunny Walk (reading club), Shanghai Joy City (gallery and VIP club ), etc.
Carlowitz & Co. Shanghai
Carlowitz & Co. Shanghai
Carlowitz & Co. Shanghai
Carlowitz & Co. Shanghai
CYPA Residential
CYPA Residential
Fuxing Road Welab
Fuxing Road Welab
Fuxing Park Shanghai
Fuxing Park Shanghai
Fuxing Road Welab
Fuxing Road Welab