

The XI edition focused on different types of mirrors

International Design Competition sponsored by PORADA and POLI.design, founded by Politecnico di Milano, under the patronage of ADI - the Association for Industrial Design.

Project delivery deadline: January 31st, 2024
Total prize money: € 11.000
Regulations and application details on: www.porada.it,
www.polidesign.net and www.porada-design-award.polidesign.net

The 2023 edition aims at the identification of new innovative concepts on the different types of MIRRORS (table, wall, wall mirror, mirror, structure or furnishing accessory, free-standing or incorporated in a piece of furniture, whose dominant element is a reflective surface), in which the use of solid wood is prevalent (but not necessarily exclusive) and which conveys the values and identity of the Porada brand. The solutions must be original and novel and aimed at enhancing the use of production technologies and processes of processing and ennobling typical of solid wood workmanship and must take into account, in addition to compliance with specific functionality, compliance with current safety regulations, compliance with ergonomic requirements and attention to environmental and sustainable design requirements. Wood, in natural wood, preferably from those in the company's predominant use, or lacquered, may be combined with metal, glass and other materials.

A jury composed of renowned experts in the field will judge and select the winning projects. In evaluating the entries, the judges will take into account: their originality, the level of innovation and research of new design solutions referred to the typical processing of solid wood, the experimentation on materials and surface finishes, the ability of the projects to define and anticipate scenarios of use and innovative concepts in the use of wood furniture and contemporary furnishing accessories, with particular regard to typological, technological and morphological determinations.