2017 ADP Design Tour in Tokyo 10/25-10/31



"Cross the Line - ADP Joint Exhibition" were hold in two locations. One is in "Tennōzu Isle", a popular design place. The other location is the Warehouse TERRADA, which wooden exterior was designed by a well- known Japanese Architect Kengo Kuma.

ADP not only had a designer joint exhibition on "Tennōzu Isle", but also organizes media interview, dinner party for designers and business representatives and certification courses. ADP aim to help designers gain media exposure, expand the market area, network with designers from other countries and increase professional knowledge through this event.

October 25th to October 31st : Cross the Line - ADP Joint Exhibition in Warehouse TERRADA - T-ART HALL.

October 25th Morning : Opening of "Cross the Line - ADP Joint Exhibition" and Media Interviews.

October 25th Afternoon : ADP Level A Certification Course.

October 25th Evening : Dinner Party .

  • Warehouse TERRADA

    Largest Art Storage Company & Trendy Event Venue in Tokyo. 寺田倉庫は日本最大級芸術倉庫業者で、現在の一番ホットなイベント場所です。

  • Warehouse TERRADA

    Warehouse TERRADA headquarter building is only 4 minutes walk from the Tennozu Isle Station. The exterior of this building was made of wood and designed by one of the most famous Japanese Architect Mr. Kengo Kuma(隈研吾). It's used for multipurpose such as a wine store, an art storehouse, an office, an event space and so on.

  • Warehouse TERRADA


TopicDate LectureLocation
October 25th to 31st : Cross the Line - ADP Joint Exhibition 2017.10.25 ADP T-ART HALL in Warehouse TERRADA SIGN UP
Opening of "Cross the Line - ADP Joint Exhibition" and Media Interviews 2017.10.25 ADP T-ART HALL in Warehouse TERRADA SIGN UP
Designer Dinner Party with Business Organizations 2017.10.25 ADP To be confirmed SIGN UP